Planet of Zines 5 出展要項
Exhibitor Information

Please read the following and apply using the form at the bottom of this page.

General Information

  • 開催期間 Dates: Nov 2 - 4, 2024
  • 時間 Hours: 12:30 - 19:00
  • 会場 Venue:The blank Gallery ↗︎
  • 入場料 Admission :無料 Free
floor plan
  • 一次募集では3日間および2日間の出展者の募集を行います。
  • 二次募集以降に単日の出展の募集を行います。
  • 全てのブースが埋まった時点で募集を締め切ります。
  • During the first round of applications, we will accept exhibitors for three-day and two-day slots.
  • From the second round onwards, we will accept applications for single-day slots.
  • Applications will close once all booths are filled.


About Sales

  • ZINEを楽しみに来場されるお客様のために、なるべく多くのZINEをご用意ください。POZ過去出展者の方は過去のPOZでは出していない新作ZINEもご用意ください。その他、RISOやシルクスクリーンなどのプリント類、ステッカー、原画、グッズ類なども販売いただけます。
  • 釣り銭はご自身でご準備ください。事務局に用意はありません。
  • 物販手数料はかかりません。
  • Please prepare as many ZINEs as possible for visitors who are looking forward to ZINEs. For those who have exhibited at POZ in the past, please also prepare new ZINEs that have not been released in past POZ events. In addition, you can also sell print items such as RISO and silkscreen, stickers, original drawings, goods, etc.
  • Please prepare change on your own. The office does not have it available.
  • No handling fee will be charged for sales.

Foor Plan

floor plan
The gallery photos are Here


Booth A

  • Table size: 50cm x 40cm
  • Wall width: 87cm

Booth B

  • Table size: 50cm x 40cm
  • Wall width: 120cm

Booth C

  • Table size: 50cm x 40cm
  • Wall width: 120cm

Booth D

  • Table size: 70cm x 70cm
  • Wall width: 107cm

Booth E

  • Table size: 70cm x 70cm
  • Wall width: 107cm

Booth F

Booth G

Booth H

Booth I

Booth J

Booth K

Booth L

Booth M

Call for Exhibitors First round (Deadline: September 22th)

  • 必要事項を入力して[送信]をクリック/タップして下さい。
  • 活動内容やこれまでのZINEが分かるInstagramアカウントやWebサイトのURLを入力してください。選考の参考にさせていただきます。
  • ご出展の可否については、9月下旬にご案内します。
  • ご出展決定後にご案内する手順に沿って出展料のお支払いをお願いいたします。
  • 一次募集終了後、状況に応じて二次募集を行います。
  • Please fill in the required information and click/tap [Submit].
  • Please enter the URL of your Instagram account or website where we can see your activities or previous ZINEs. This information will be used as a reference for selection.
  • You will be notified of the acceptance of your application in late September.
  • Please follow the instructions provided after your participation is confirmed to pay the exhibition fee.
  • After the first round of exhibitor recruitment ends, a second round may be conducted depending on the situation.


© 2022 Planet of Zines